Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Teamwork Tuesday ~ Priscilla

This happy little girl is named Priscilla. She is 2 years old and is described as being communicative, cheerful, active, friendly, and likes to play with different toys. Priscilla is struggling with "pre-leukemia" which is also known as congenital myelodysplastic syndrome. She also has some facial features that are prevalent in children with FAS.

To view her profile or donate to her grant.

Here's more information about adopting in her region:

Married couples only
No parental age restrictions
No stated family size restrictions
Total with travel approx $25k
Both parents for 2 1/2 weeks to attend court
Both parents return home for 10 day wait
Only one must return to complete the adoption for approx 14 days
No history of mental health conditions or infectious diseases
No criminal history
May adopt multiple unrelated children
Adopting in her region can be very fast, an average of 7 months. So families should be financially prepared to move quickly.

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